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Visit Međimurje

Matulov grunt

Traditional property
"Matul's grunt"

Matul's grunt/property is open to all visitors in Frkanovac at house number 30.

“Matul” is in Međimurje region word for butterfly, and “grunt” for property.

It is the place where the protected types of butterflies are interpreted. It contains a permanent art exhibition about meadows and butterflies of upper Međimurje. With a modern setup, the traditional spirit of Međimurje was preserved, so in "old house" can be viewed the old press, traditional items, and well was left in the yard.

Experience your stay in the Matul's residence property, which is a special source of inspiration for writers, artists and researchers.

Međimurska priroda - Public institution for protection of nature manages Matul's grunt/property.

Address: Frkanovec 30, Frkanovec
Phone: 095/928-4145

rodna kuća Rudolfa Steinera

Birthplace of
DR. Rudolf Steiner

We decided to present the person who is most deserving of the development of anthroposophy ("spiritual science"), and it was born in Donji Kraljevec.

It is about Dr. Rudolf Steiner, born on 25. February 1861.

His teachings are applied today in Waldorf schools and kindergartens around the world. Except in pedagogy anthroposophy has taken root in medicine and art directions, but also in biodynamic agriculture.

Famous books and works of Dr. Rudolf Steiner are: Secrets threshold, Consciousness of the sanctified, Spiritual Hierarchy and Agricultural course.

The Dr. Rudolf Steiner Center manages the birth house discovered in 1966 and conducts education and workshops in the field of activity and science of Dr. Rudolf Steiner.

Address: Prvomajska 4, Donji Kraljevec
Phone: 040/655-612

spomen dom rudarstva

Mining Memorial House

Perhaps the oldest living residents of Mursko Središće still remember the old mine in the very center Mursko Središće. Today, only its remains are visible and it is hard to imagine how alive it was in the past around it.

Mining used to be the main economic branch in north Međimurje, and mining clearly reflects the former life of Mursko Središće. The name that has been established for that place was "city of miners".

In its best days, it had up to 1,700 employees, and an average of 157,626 tons of coal was mined per year.

The mining memorial house is located in the old building coal separator. Two topics are presented: Mining and the Old Međimurska Hiža.

The Rudar Culture Center manages the Interpretation Center.

Address: Rudarska 1, Mursko Središće
Phone: 040/543-753

Međimurje Heritage

natural and cultural assets in the UNESCO register
protected natural areas and localities
protected intangible cultural assets
protected immovable cultural assets

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